Roy Keane Admits He Should’ve Ended Career After Leaving Man Utd for Celtic


In the realm of football, few departures have had as profound an impact as Roy Keane’s departure from Manchester United. The culmination of a series of events strained his relationship with the club, leading to his departure.

Keane’s critical comments about the team’s performance proved to be the turning point, prompting legendary manager Sir Alex Ferguson to swiftly part ways with the influential midfielder.

Looking back, Keane has expressed regret for not retiring when he left Manchester United, admitting to losing his passion for the game after his departure.

Additionally, Keane’s time at Celtic was marred by injuries and retirement, with recurring hip problems and multiple hamstring tears forcing him to consult a specialist who advised him to cease playing.

This article delves into the tensions between Keane and Ferguson, the impact of his departure on both his career and the footballing world, and his candid reflections on the choices he made during this tumultuous period.

Key Takeaways

– Keane’s departure from Manchester United was a result of his comments criticizing the team’s performance and led to a strained relationship with Sir Alex Ferguson.
– Keane regrets not retiring when he left Manchester United and believes it would have been a better decision for his career.
– Keane’s injuries, including hip problems and torn hamstring, played a role in his retirement after consulting with a specialist.
– Keane’s departure from Celtic, after only 13 appearances, was marred by controversy and he believes the club intentionally pushed him out due to his age and strained relationship with Carlos Queiroz.

Keane’s Criticism and Departure

Despite his regrets, Roy Keane criticized Manchester United’s performance, which ultimately led to his departure from the club. Keane’s comments about the team’s performance caught the attention of Sir Alex Ferguson, the manager of Manchester United at the time.

Ferguson, known for his no-nonsense approach, did not take Keane’s criticism lightly and decided to part ways with the influential midfielder. Keane himself has acknowledged that his comments were a factor in his departure and has expressed regret over his actions.

This incident marked the end of Keane’s illustrious 12-year career at Manchester United, during which he played a pivotal role in the club’s success. Despite his regrets, Keane’s criticism of the team’s performance had significant consequences and played a part in shaping his future career path.

Injuries and Retirement

After experiencing hip problems and multiple hamstring tears at Celtic, Roy Keane consulted a hip specialist who advised him to retire. These injuries had a significant impact on Keane’s ability to continue playing at a high level. The hip problems and recurring hamstring tears not only affected his physical performance but also his overall well-being.

Keane’s decision to consult a specialist shows his commitment to his long-term health and the importance he placed on making the right choice for his future. Retirement, though not an easy decision, provided Keane with closure on his playing career. It allowed him to reflect on his achievements and move on to the next phase of his life.

This retirement marked the end of a successful and illustrious career for one of the most iconic figures in football.

Tensions With Ferguson

The tensions between Roy Keane and Sir Alex Ferguson regarding the quality of facilities at their pre-season camp in the summer of 2005 marked a turning point in their relationship. Keane and Ferguson had a dispute over the conditions at the camp, and this disagreement escalated their already strained relationship.

Keane later admitted in an interview with MUTV that he was prepared to play for another team due to the tensions. However, it was Keane’s controversial interview after a defeat against Middlesbrough that severed his relationship with Ferguson. In the interview, Keane criticized several players, including Rio Ferdinand. This incident further worsened the already strained relationship between Keane and Ferguson.

The tensions between the two ultimately contributed to Keane’s departure from Manchester United.

Celtic and Regrets

Keane’s departure from Celtic highlighted his regrets and the challenges he faced.

After leaving Manchester United, Keane signed for Celtic but only managed 13 appearances before retiring. Keane has since admitted that his move to Celtic was a mistake. He believes the club intentionally pushed him out due to his age and strained relationship with Carlos Queiroz.

Keane’s short stint at Celtic was plagued by injuries, including hip problems and multiple hamstring tears. These physical challenges ultimately led him to consult a hip specialist who advised him to stop playing.

Keane’s departure from Celtic marked the end of his playing career and further strained his relationship with football.

[News Source: Daily Star]

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