Shakhtar Donetsk’s Battle For Fair Compensation In Annex 7 Transfer Disputes


Shakhtar Donetsk, a football club currently embroiled in transfer disputes related to FIFA’s Annex 7 amendment, is engaged in a battle for fair compensation. The club’s CEO aims to negotiate a transfer fee for Manor Solomon with Tottenham’s chairman during a pre-season friendly match between the two teams.

Shakhtar seeks to recoup the £5.6m fee they paid for Solomon, who joined Tottenham on a free transfer utilizing Annex 7.

In addition to this specific case, the club has initiated legal challenges against Lyon and Annex 7 through the European Commission and the FIFA Football Tribunal. They argue that Annex 7 has resulted in a loss of £68m in transfer fees and advocate for the establishment of a solidarity fund to aid Ukrainian clubs affected by this amendment.

Shakhtar faces financial challenges due to disrupted income sources and appreciates the support from English clubs and fans. They intend to allocate the funds generated from the friendly match against Tottenham to charitable projects in Ukraine.

Shakhtar Donetsk is determined to assert their rights and secure fair compensation while striving for a mutually satisfactory resolution.

Legal Challenges and Financial Impact

Shakhtar Donetsk’s legal challenges regarding Annex 7 have resulted in mounting a claim against Lyon at the FIFA Football Tribunal. They accuse Lyon of abusing the amendment to profit from Tete’s transfer, reflecting the financial impact faced by the club.

The club believes that Annex 7 has cost them a substantial amount of money. They estimate losses of £68 million in transfer fees. In an effort to address this financial burden, Shakhtar is also pursuing legal action through the European Commission.

The club aims to set up a solidarity fund for Ukrainian clubs affected by Annex 7. This initiative recognizes the difficulties faced by the country’s football community.

These challenges have come at a time when Shakhtar is already experiencing financial difficulties due to canceled income sources. However, despite these obstacles, the club remains determined to fight for their rights and fair compensation.

They hope to reach an amicable solution that satisfies all parties involved.

Friendly Match for Charitable Projects

The upcoming friendly match between Shakhtar Donetsk and Tottenham Hotspur aims to raise funds for charitable projects in Ukraine.

The match, scheduled for August 6 at the Spurs stadium, seeks to support various initiatives that will benefit children, injured soldiers, and affected families in Ukraine.

The funds raised from the match will be used to address the pressing needs arising from the ongoing war in the country.

This friendly match serves as an opportunity for both clubs to contribute to important causes and show support for Ukraine.

Shakhtar Donetsk, facing financial difficulties due to canceled income sources and challenges posed by the war, greatly appreciates the attention and support from English clubs and fans.

The funds generated from this match will be utilized for essential projects that aim to alleviate the impact of the war on the affected individuals and communities in Ukraine.

Extension and Fresh Legal Challenge

The ongoing legal challenges surrounding the extension of FIFA’s Annex 7 have exacerbated the financial struggles faced by clubs affected by the war in Ukraine, leaving them in a precarious position as they fight for their rights and seek redress for their losses.

Annex 7, initially implemented as a temporary measure due to the conflict, has been extended until June 2024. Shakhtar Donetsk, in particular, has been vocal about the negative impact of Annex 7 on their finances. They believe that the amendment has cost them significant transfer fees, with an estimated £68m in lost revenue.

As a result, they have mounted legal challenges through the European Commission, hoping to find a resolution that covers their losses. With their investments in players like Manor Solomon at stake, Shakhtar Donetsk is determined to fight for their rights and fair compensation.

Efforts to Support Ukrainian Football

Efforts have been made to provide support to Ukrainian football amidst the challenging situation caused by the extension of FIFA’s Annex 7 and the ongoing war.

Shakhtar Donetsk, in particular, has taken steps to assist Ukrainian clubs affected by Annex 7. The club aims to establish a solidarity fund that would help alleviate the financial difficulties faced by these clubs. This initiative is crucial as Shakhtar acknowledges the limited income sources resulting from the cancellation of Annex 7. They hope to receive support and assistance from the football community to ensure the survival and growth of Ukrainian football.

Additionally, Shakhtar is organizing a friendly match against Tottenham to raise funds for charitable projects in Ukraine. These projects will provide crucial support to children, injured soldiers, and affected families, showing the club’s commitment to using the raised funds for important causes in Ukraine.

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