Raphael Varane Worried About Head Injuries from Heading for Man Utd

Here’s a shocking revelation from Manchester United star Raphael Varane – the French defender has expressed concerns about the long-term impact of head injuries sustained from heading the ball in football. Varane, who recently joined the club from Real Madrid, has spoken out about the dangers of concussion in the sport, urging fellow footballers to prioritize their health and well-being.

Varane, a World Cup winner with France in 2018, has experienced multiple instances of concussion throughout his career, including during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and a Champions League game against Manchester City in 2020. Despite the prevalence of head injuries in football, Varane believes that the issue is often overlooked and treated as a taboo topic within the sport.

The 30-year-old defender disclosed that he has suffered from concussion-related symptoms such as fatigue, migraines, and eye fatigue, but hesitated to speak up initially due to the perception of weakness in football. He mentioned, “As footballers used to playing at the highest level, we are used to pain, we are a bit like soldiers, tough guys, symbols of physical strength. But these are symptoms that are quite invisible.”

Varane emphasized the importance of recognizing the signs of concussion and not dismissing them as mere excuses or lack of commitment. Reflecting on past experiences, he recalled how some of his poorest performances coincided with matches where he had suffered a concussion. For instance, matches against Germany in the 2014 World Cup and Manchester City in the 2020 Champions League were particularly challenging for him following head injuries.

In hindsight, Varane acknowledged that he would have opted to sit out more games had he been more informed about the impacts of concussion at the time. Now, as a father of three, he is more cautious about safeguarding his mental well-being and reducing risks associated with head injuries in football.

Varane’s openness about his personal struggles with head injuries sheds light on a pressing issue in the sport. The defender’s advocacy for increased awareness and prioritization of player safety when it comes to head injuries sets an example for fellow footballers to speak up and seek proper care in such situations.

With the ongoing conversation surrounding player welfare and head injuries in football, Varane’s insights bring attention to the need for better protocols and support systems to address the hidden dangers of concussion in the sport. His experiences serve as a reminder of the invisible nature of head injuries and the importance of taking them seriously to prevent long-term consequences.

[News ref: Daily Star]

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